
Reflecting on 25 Years in business

Taylor has marked a significant milestone, celebrating 25 years in business. From the humble beginnings of a converted lounge room office in Sydney’s northern suburbs, 23-year-old Mark Taylor had a vision to create a company that was focused on building relationships and assisting clients beyond the bricks and mortar of construction by understanding the client’s...

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Pioneering Emerging Technologies

Emerging technologies are disrupting the property and construction industry and the COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated this process. The Taylor team, led by IT Manager, Christian Neyle, believe in being first adopters of emerging technologies in construction. That’s why we’re...

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Safety. Our First Priority.

At Taylor, safety is always our first priority. It is the strongest mantra in the business. Safe practices are also about the health and continuity of the whole business. Bringing a human perspective to site management is very important at...

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The Design Difference

When it comes to Design at Taylor, our delivery process ensures focused collaboration across our teams to achieve our client’s vision. We deliver over 80% of our projects through a design and construct model, from concept to completion. The design...

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