Building Sweet Foundations in Support of the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea

Taylor Hosts a Themed Baking Challenge Raising Vital Funds for Cancer Research.

In a creative blend of camaraderie and charity, Taylor hosted a construction-themed Bake Off Challenge in support of the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea!

Team Taylor was encouraged to showcase their baking skills with a unique construction twist. From mini trucks to deconstructed demolition treats and double layered cakes, staff put their creative hats on to create edible masterpieces for a chance to win prizes.

Morning teas across our job sites were filled with laughter, delicious food, and friendly competition as staff bonded while raising funds for cancer research, prevention, and support services. Almost 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer before age 85, with every dollar bringing us closer to a cancer-free future.

Congratulations to Olivia Losurdo, Marketing Coordinator, for winning first place with her tiered cake construction masterpiece and Jacklyn Wickham, Senior Marketing Manager, for earning second place with her handcrafted mini truck and trailers.

A special mention to our judges – Clive Wickham, Min Saw, Roy Li, and Georgia Barnes – who had the challenging task of independently evaluating each creation. Their judgements were guided by the criteria of Presentation, Resourcefulness, Use of Materials, and Creativity. Thank you for ensuring a fair and delicious competition!

Embracing our company values of creativity, collaboration, and community spirit, the morning teas reminded us that whether we are on the construction site or in the kitchen, our collective efforts can build a better, healthier future for all.

Thank you to everyone who rolled up their sleeves, whether to bake, create or support, your participation has helped make this a success. Together, we’ve raised over $600 for the Cancer Council, contributing to help make a difference to those impacted by cancer. There is still time to donate by visiting our fundraising page here.

2 first place winner cancer council biggest morning tea taylor construction charity fundraising
3 second place winner cancer council biggest morning tea taylor construction charity fundraising