Good Health Heros: Building a Foundation of Wellbeing

As we mark Men’s Mental Health Week (MHW) 2024, we’re reminded of the importance of ‘Men’s Health Checks’—a vital step towards safeguarding our well-being.

Mental health is a significant concern in the construction industry, often overshadowed by the physical demands of our work. This year, we want to highlight the ‘Good Health Heroes’ campaign, an excellent initiative by Healthy Male and the University of Western Sydney. This campaign encourages men to be proactive about their health, advocating for regular check-ups and open discussions about mental well-being.

The ‘Good Health Heroes’ campaign exemplifies the 6 key foundations of good health:

  • Nutrition: Fueling our bodies with a balanced diet to support both physical and mental performance.
  • Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity to strengthen our bodies and minds.
  • Connection: Cultivating meaningful relationships and social support networks.
  • Reducing Risk-Taking: Making informed decisions to minimise unnecessary risks to our health.
  • Health Literacy: Understanding health information and services to make knowledgeable health decisions.
  • Sleep: Ensuring adequate and quality rest to rejuvenate and maintain focus.

These six foundations are not just principles; they are actionable steps that each of us can take to improve our health outcomes in a self-manageable, achievable, and sustainable way. Our industry’s statistics on mental health are alarming, and we are dedicated to changing this narrative. By embracing the principles of the ‘Good Health Heroes’ campaign, we can start to make a difference, encouraging each other to prioritise health checks and mental well-being.

This MHW, let’s take inspiration from the ‘Good Health Heroes’ and become champions of our own health. We encourage you to ‘Take the Hero Test,’ a simple yet impactful way to assess your health and take the first step towards a healthier future.
