Refurbishment Complete at Redfern’s Jarjum College

The Property Industry Foundation and its dedicated partners have successfully given Jarjum College in Redfern a makeover.

This primary school, which plays a pivotal role in re-engaging disadvantaged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with education, has received a much-needed facelift. The renovation of essential spaces such as the kitchen, art room, and school entrance will significantly enhance the teachers’ ability to provide hands-on educational support and prevent First Nations children from falling behind in basic literacy, numeracy, and general academics.

In collaboration with Architectus, Interspace, The Property Industry Foundation, and its partners, Team Taylor has worked diligently to revitalise the school. The new, safe, and naturally lit layout is designed to foster knowledge and self-confidence among the students. A special mention to Tim Christie, General Manager – New Build, and his involvement in this project.

The refurbishment included:

  • Installation of safety mesh along the stairwell and balconies
  • Renovation of the art room and supplies
  • Security enhancements with a new double front door
  • A new kitchen and dining room
  • Sinks for children to wash and brush their teeth
  • A renovated calm room
  • Safe air conditioning

The completion of this project was recently celebrated with the incredible partners and subcontractors who made this transformation possible. The collective effort has improved the school’s infrastructure and strengthened the community’s spirit, ensuring that Jarjum College remains a beacon of hope and progress for its students.

jarjum refurbishment taylor entry door
jarjum refurbishment taylor entry
jarjum refurbishment taylor kitchen bbq area
jarjum refurbishment taylor upper level


Having the new door and intercom system has been such a fundamental shift for the Administration Area at Jarjum – we’re so grateful.


The Tensile mesh is almost invisible and gives a really light feel to the outside view from the classroom – such a great improvement, a teacher remarked, appreciating the subtle yet significant safety upgrade.

Year 4 Student

We use our new art and craft space almost every day – it’s so cool now