Sculpting Futures: Taylor’s Cadets, Graduates, and Apprentices Carve Their Path at Gosford Quarries

An Insightful Journey into the Art of Stonemasonry.

Combining practical learning with professional development, Taylor’s recent Cadet, Graduate, and Apprentice peer group catch up involved a unique field trip to Gosford Quarries, supplier of the stone for our Scots College project.

This insightful tour was facilitated by Gosford Quarries and the RJC Group, the stonemasonry subcontractor responsible for the stone installation at The Scots College. The group was expertly guided through the RJC Gosford Quarry by Sid, a proprietor of Gosford Quarries. The Taylor Team witnessed stone cutting in real-time, delved into the intricacies of stone cutting systems, and admired a completed product crafted for St Mary’s Cathedral.

Our Peer Group catch ups allow our Cadets, Graduates, and Apprentices to not only develop their understanding of different elements of Taylor, but also the procurement of materials and importance of building and maintaining strong relationships with our subcontractors.

Thank you to our Graduate and Cadet Peer Group champions, Dylan Massad, Ervin Bunic, Scott Dobson, and Jason Tulich for organising this unique excursion.

2 sandstone piece cadet graduate apprentice catch up taylor construction development
3 gosford quarries cadet graduate apprentice catch up taylor construction development