We’re thrilled to announce that Taylor has been chosen by Uniting to deliver the design and construction of Stage 2 at Uniting Mayflower Westmead.
Having previously completed Stage 1 in late 2020, Taylor is excited to once again partner with Uniting in delivering Stage 2. The project comprises construction of Buildings 3, 4 and 5, a Swimming Pool Pavilion, and associated landscaping and external works.
Buildings 3, 4 and 5 feature new seven-storey residential buildings consisting of 40, 50, and 63 Independent Living Units respectively. Each building will include private balconies and terraces for each apartment, common areas, and a roof slab housing plant and equipment.
Other key features of this significant development include:
- Swimming Pool & Pavilion: The project will feature an indoor swimming pool with change rooms and toilets, a landscaped ‘Village Green’ over the pool interfaced with the Stage 1 podium, and pool and mechanical plant rooms.
- Basement and Lower Ground Level: The development will feature one level of basement across the full extent of the site and one lower ground level below Building 5. This will accommodate car parking spaces, residential storage cages, and plant rooms.
- Podium Landscaping & External Works: The development will include an external lift providing connection to the swimming pool, landscaped areas across the lower ground and ground level, new retaining walls, footpaths, soft landscaping, road works out to the kerb, and the construction and commissioning of a new electricity kiosk on Helen Street.
- Interfacing Works: The project will also involve interfacing works to the adjoining Stage 1 project across the podium landscaping, pavilion, and basement carpark areas, as well as the reticulation of services from the existing building to supply Stage 2.
Decommissioning and demolition of existing buildings and site remediation has already begun, with the project expected to be completed in 2027. Taylor has a proven track record in delivering aged care projects, demonstrating our expertise and commitment to creating high-quality living spaces for seniors. We look forward to working with Uniting, and all consultants and subcontractors on this significant project.