Taylor’s Let’s Get Together Unites The Team

Connection and Collaboration at Rosebery Engine Yards.

At Taylor, our people are the key to our success. We understand the importance of taking time to connect with each other and meet new team members as a key element in nurturing and building on our thriving culture.

Recently, employees from all facets of the business met at Taylor’s historic Refurbishment and Live Environment project site, Rosebery Engine Yards, for the last Let’s Get Together of 2023. Following the cessation of construction activity for the day, the Taylor team came together to reconnect while enjoying food and beverages from a selection of local food trucks.

To begin the brief formalities, Steve Ziaziaris, Senior Project Manager at Rosebery Engine Yards, welcomed guests and outlined the scope of the project. George Bardas, Chief Executive Officer, then provided an overall update of the business, followed by Mark Taylor, Managing Director, and Clive Wickham, Chief Financial Officer, presenting employee milestones and length of service awards.

2 clive wickham and george bardas lets get together taylor construction culture employees
3 people talking and laughing lets get together taylor construction culture employees

An enjoyable social event of our cultural calendar, Taylor’s Let’s Get Together events offer special opportunities for our team to catch-up, celebrate achievements, and meet new employees.

Thank you to our Rosebery Engine Yards site team for hosting and offering exclusive insights into one of our live projects. We look forward to our next company gathering at our Christmas Party later this year.