Celebrating a Successful Q3

After a year of digital screens and virtual interactions, Taylor’s Let's Get Together event series is a special and sociable part of our cultural calendar.

Our people are at the heart of all we do and creating a culture in which our people can thrive is fundamental to our success. Employees from across our diverse project sites met at the Walker Street Headquarters for the last Let’s Get Together of 2022. These events offer a special opportunity to come together, celebrate recent wins, share project updates and meet the newest members of Team Taylor.  

Mark Taylor, Managing Director, and George Bardas, CEO, addressed the audience to celebrate the success of recent wins – acknowledging these significant achievements and the work-winning teams with a ceremonial ‘Ringing of the Bell.’  

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Celebrated projects include: 

Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility 

Roseville College Sport and Wellbeing Centre  

Scape Kingsford 

Walk-in Specialist Emergency (WiSE) Clinic 

Adam Vassallo, Senior Project Manager, shared insights into the historic Sydney Opera House Renewal Project – discussing sustainability, the importance of positive client relationships and how the project team navigated the impacts of COVID-19 to deliver the largest and final project in the Opera House’s 10-year renewal program. 

Thank you to all involved in bringing this event to life. We look forward to seeing you again for our end of year Christmas celebrations.